Top Metrics to Track in Azure Application Insights

Top Metrics to Track in Azure Application Insights


4 min read

Azure Application Insights is a powerful tool provided by Microsoft that helps developers and IT professionals monitor the performance and availability of their applications. It allows you to collect telemetry data from your application and provides insights into various aspects of its performance. As you delve deeper into the realm of Application Insights, tracking the right metrics becomes crucial to ensure your application's optimal functioning and to improve the overall user experience.


In this article, we will explore the top metrics to track in Azure Application Insights. By keeping a close eye on these metrics, you can proactively identify issues, optimize performance, and make informed decisions to enhance your application's efficiency.

What is Azure Application Insights?

Azure Application Insights is a comprehensive Application Performance Management (APM) service that helps you understand how your application is performing in real time. It provides a range of tools and features to monitor web applications, mobile apps, and other services across various platforms.

Why Track Metrics in Azure Application Insights?

Tracking metrics in Azure Application Insights offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows you to gain insights into how users interact with your application, identifying popular features and potential pain points. Secondly, it aids in detecting and diagnosing application failures, exceptions, and performance bottlenecks. Lastly, it enables you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your application's performance.

Key Metrics to Track in Azure Application Insights

Request Rates and Response Times

Monitoring the request rates and response times of your application is vital for understanding its overall performance. High request rates and fast response times indicate a healthy application, while a sudden increase in response times could signify potential issues that need attention.

Failure Rates and Exceptions

Tracking the failure rates and exceptions helps identify bugs and errors within your application. By analyzing these metrics, you can pinpoint problematic areas and work on improving the application's reliability.

User and Session Counts

Knowing the number of active users and sessions on your application allows you to assess its popularity and usage patterns. It aids in capacity planning and ensuring your application can handle the expected traffic.

Page Views and Load Times

Page views and load times are critical metrics for web applications. Monitoring these helps you optimize the user experience and identify pages with slow load times that might frustrate users.

Dependency Telemetry

Dependency telemetry provides insights into external services and dependencies that your application relies on. It helps you understand if any external service is causing performance issues in your application.

Performance Counters

Performance counters offer detailed system-level information such as CPU and memory usage. Monitoring these metrics helps you identify resource bottlenecks and optimize your application's performance.

Custom Events and Metrics

Azure Application Insights allows you to define and track custom events and metrics tailored to your application's specific requirements. This feature enables you to gain deep insights into unique aspects of your application's behavior.

Using Analytics to Gain Insights

Application Insights provides a powerful analytics tool that allows you to query and analyze telemetry data. By utilizing this feature, you can create custom reports and extract meaningful insights from the collected data.

Utilizing AI and Machine Learning in Application Insights

Microsoft Azure integrates AI and machine learning capabilities into Application Insights, enabling you to detect anomalies, predict potential issues, and gain deeper insights into your application's performance.

Monitoring and Alerting

Setting up monitoring and alerting in Azure Application Insights ensures that you are promptly notified of any critical issues affecting your application. This allows you to take proactive measures and minimize downtime.

Best Practices for Azure Application Insights

To make the most out of Azure Application Insights, consider implementing these best practices:

  • Regularly review and analyze telemetry data

  • Set up custom dashboards to visualize important metrics

  • Create alert rules for critical performance thresholds

  • Optimize and fine-tune your application based on insights gained

  • Stay up-to-date with new features and improvements in Application Insights


Azure Application Insights is a game-changer when it comes to monitoring and optimizing application performance. By tracking the top metrics mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your application is running smoothly and delivering an exceptional user experience. Remember to utilize analytics, AI, and machine learning features to gain deeper insights and take proactive measures to enhance your application's performance continually.

By Vishwas Acharya πŸ˜‰

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